Candida Stevens Gallery winter exhibition

18 November - 9 December 2023

Opening reception, Saturday 18 November, 2-4pm

Groupings of work by several of our gallery artists. Be they grouped by theme, colour, place or concept this is a fun opportunity to see abstract alongside figurative, and painting alongside embroidery.

This group of five paintings by Calum McClure are the first that he has exhibited since his move to Italy in October last year. Images come from his immediate surroundings in Ragogna, the Tagliamento river, other nearby villages, a view from the train approaching Trieste, and vistas toward the Alps. 

Kingswear Castle and Flagstaff  by Jeremy Gardiner is being shown for the first time in the UK after exhibition at the Chengdu Biennale in China.

Some wintery scenes by Veronica Smirnoff and Kerry Harding contrast to the New Zealand inspired landscapes by Pippa Blake. 

Celia Cook and Olivia Stanton work with flowing abstract shapes, a sense of the geometric meets improvisation. 

Charlotte Evans and Cecilia Charlton, both inspired by the Renaissance, use pattern within their work to varying degrees with a shared joyful palette. 

We also look forward to showing the work of sculptress Kate Viner for the first time in 10 years!